Monday, during regular trading hours, there were many stocks that continued to break up to the upside. These stocks are Bullish Engulfing Patterns.Usually stocks up when Bullish Engulfing Patterns happened. I will keep follow below all list of stocks for August 31, 2010.You can find Daily Hot Stocks to Watch- Right Here
Stocks that have a Bullish Engulfing pattern 08/31/2010
AAPH American Petro-Hunter Inc.
CNIT China Information Technology, Inc.
HPOL Harris Interactive, Inc.
EGI Entree Gold Inc
EGT Entertainment Gaming Asia, Inc.
MCF Contango Oil & Gas Co.
PIP PharmAthene, Inc.
SENZ Sport Endurance Inc.
VLNC Valence Technology, Inc.
Stocks that have a Bearish Engulfing pattern 8/30/2010
ABFS Arkansas Best Corp.
AHGP Alliance Holdings GP LP
ANDE Andersons, Inc.
CPWM Cost Plus, Inc.
CWTR Coldwater Creek, Inc.
EBIX, Inc.
ELNK EarthLink, Inc.
FCFS First Cash Financial Services, Inc.
GNBT Generex Biotechnology Corp.
HILL Dot Hill Systems Corp.
HMSY Health Management Systems, Inc.
JST Jinpan Intl Ltd.
LEAP Leap Wireless Intl, Inc.
MIPS MIPS Technologies, Inc.
OVTI OmniVision Technologies, Inc.
SUMR Summer Infant, Inc.
UTIW UTi Worldwide Inc.
WBSN Websense, Inc.
YTEC Yucheng Technologies Ltd.
Bullish MACD Crossovers
ACGI Amacore Group Inc.
ADAC Adama Technologies Corp.
ADAM, Inc.
AEGG American Energy Group Ltd.
APSG Applied Signal Technology, Inc.
BHRT Bioheart, Inc.
CABN Carbon Sciences, Inc.
CRAY Cray, Inc.
CSGS CSG Systems Intl, Inc.
DEER Deer Consumer Products Inc.
DENN Denny's Corp.
FIZZ National Beverage Corp.
FORR Forrester Research, Inc.
GEOI GeoResources, Inc.
GPXM Golden Phoenix Minerals
GSOL Global Sources Ltd.
HALO Halozyme Therapeutics Inc.
LUFK Lufkin Industries, Inc.
MSFG MainSource Financial Group, Inc.
MTVO Montavo, Inc.
NTAP Network Appliance, Inc.
NWCI NewCardio, Inc.
PMACA PMA Capital Corp.
PNTV Players Network Inc.
PWAV Powerwave Technologies, Inc.
ROSE Rosetta Resources Inc.
SHLM A. Schulman, Inc.
SNIC Sonic Solutions
SPBU Spare Backup, Inc.
TMRK Terremark Worldwide, Inc.
UEIC Universal Electronics, Inc.
ULTA Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc.
VOCS Vocus, Inc.
VRTU Virtusa Corp.
WRLD World Acceptance Corp.
ZIOP ZIOPHARM Oncology, Inc.
CCI Buy Signals
ADAM, Inc.
ALLT Allot Communications Ltd.
AMLN Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
ATAX America First Tax Exempt Investors, L.P.
BTOW Belltower Entertainment Corp.
CLMT Calumet Specialty Products Partners L.P.
COGT Cogent Inc.
CRNT Ceragon Networks Ltd.
DLLR Dollar Financial Corp.
DXCM DexCom Inc.
EGOV National Information Consortium, Inc.
GENZ Genzyme General
GORO Gold Resource Corp.
GPXM Golden Phoenix Minerals
HOOK Craft Brewers Alliance Inc.
IDIX Idenix Pharmaceuticals Inc.
IMGG Imaging3 Inc.
IPGP IPG Photonics Corp.
KCAP Kohlberg Capital Corp.
KMKCF Continental Minerals Corp.
LOGM LogMeIn Inc.
MZEI Medizone Intl Inc.
NAVI NaviSite, Inc.
PAET PAETEC Holding Corp.
PNRA Panera Bread Co.
PSWS PureSafe Water Systems, Inc.
PTEC Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
SFSF SuccessFactors Inc.
SKGP Smart Kids Group Inc.
TIBX TIBCO Software, Inc.
TRIT Tri-Tech Holding Inc.
TRMS Trimeris, Inc.
UEIC Universal Electronics, Inc.
New 52 Week Highs -Monday
ADAM, Inc.
AHGP Alliance Holdings GP LP
AMRN Amarin Corp. PLC ADS
ARLP Alliance Resource Partners, L.P.
ARUN Aruba Networks, Inc.
BJGP BMP Sunstone Corp.
CVLT CommVault Systems Inc.
DAKT Daktronics, Inc.
ERIE Erie Indemnity Co.
FOSL Fossil, Inc.
GORO Gold Resource Corp.
HOOK Craft Brewers Alliance Inc.
IPGP IPG Photonics Corp.
KBLB Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc.
LBSR Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.
LOGM LogMeIn Inc.
PRLS Peerless Systems Corp.
PTEC Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
PZZ Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc.
RDCM Radcom Ltd.
SXCI SXC Health Solutions Corp.
TIBX TIBCO Software, Inc.
ZIXI ZixIt Corp.
New 52-Week Low -Monday
AEXP American Exploration Corp.
ALTH Allos Therapeutics, Inc.
AMAG AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
AMNP American Sierra Gold Corp.
AMTD TD Ameritrade Holding Corp.
AUTH AuthenTec Inc
BBBB Blackboard Inc.
BKBO BakBone Software Inc.
BOOM Dynamic Materials Corp.
BAC Bank Of America Corp.
CBB Cincinnati Bell Inc.
CSL Carlisle Cos, Inc.
CYH Community Health Systems
DM Dolan Co.
DVR Cal Dive Intl., Inc.
ELN Elan Corp. PLC
CNTY Century Casinos, Inc.
COMV Comverge Inc.
CONN Conn's, Inc.
CORE Core Mark Holding Co., Inc.
CPIX Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Inc.
CSCO Cisco Systems, Inc.
CSGH China Sun Group High-Tech Co.
CWCO Consolidated Water Co. Ltd.
DGIT DG FastChannel, Inc.
DSCM, Inc.
ECDCE East Coast Diversified Corp.
ECOB EcoBlu Products Inc.
EPCT EpiCept Corp.
EXAR Exar Corp.
EXOU Exousia Advanced Materials Inc.
FFCH First Financial Holdings, Inc.
FNFG First Niagara Financial Group, Inc.
FORM FormFactor Inc.
FRBK Republic First Bancorp, Inc.
GRMC Goldrich Mining Co.
HEES H&E Equipment Services Inc.
HYTM Hythiam Inc.
IFXY INFRAX Systems Inc.
IKAN Ikanos Communication
KNDL Kendle Intl, Inc.
MCET MultiCell Technologies, Inc.
METR Metro Bancorp Inc.
MLNK ModusLink Global Solutions, Inc.
NSPH Nanosphere, Inc.
RDNT RadNet, Inc.
RECN Resources Connection Inc.
RLRN Renaissance Learning, Inc.
SCHS School Specialty, Inc.
SCON Superconductor Technologies, Inc.
SIXFQ Six Flags, Inc.
SPLS Staples, Inc.
SUTR Sutor Technology Group Ltd.
TCBK TriCo Bancshares
TFSL TFS Financial Corp.
UEPS Net 1 Ueps Technologies Inc.
UMBF UMB Financial Corp.
UNDT Universal Detection Technology
XNPT XenoPort, Inc.
Do your own Research on these stocks and find out your pick
Good Luck..Trade Smart!
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